
Addresses and opening hours

The Embassy is located at the following address:

Rruga Asim Zeneli 10
Tirana , Albania
Tel: (+355) 4 240828/839
Fax: (+355) 4 232723
E-mail: TIR@minbuza.nl


The Embassy is open from Monday until Friday from 8.30 until 17.00 hours. The Embassy is closed on Saturdays and Sundays as well as on official Albanian and Dutch national holidays.

The consular section is open from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 until 12.00 hours.

Visa applications can only be submitted by appointment. Appointments can be made by telephone: (+355) 4 259 176.

In case of urgent matters after regular office hours, the duty officer of the Embassy can be contacted via a mobile telephone. The number is given through the answering machine of the general telephone number of this Embassy (+355) 4 240828/839.

Embassy Structure
Ambassador Mr S.E.J.M (Sweder) van Voorst tot Voorst
Deputy Head of Mission Mr C.P.A. (Cas) van der Horst
Secretary/Archivist Ms N. (Nelleke) Donk
Assistant Programme Officer Ms E. (Elga) Mitre

Economic and Commercial Section
Second Secretary Ms M.M. (Marleen) Monster

Administrative Section
Head, Second Secretary Ms J.P.C (Janet) Meijlis
Deputy Head, Administrative Attaché Ms A.M. (Linda) Nieuwendijk-van Gerwen

Consular Section

Defence Section
The office of the Netherlands Defence Attaché for the Republic of Albania is situated at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Athens, Greece. Phone: (+30) 210 7254970

Defence Attaché Mr T. J. J. (Tjeerd) de Vries
Assistant Defence Attaché Ms S. (Silke) Willems



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